Hobbsville, North Carolina 27946 Population - 1256 White Population - 900 Black Population - 346 Hispanic Population - 8 Households - 564 Persons Per Household - 2.73
Name: Harrell Medical Transport Street: 49 Muddy Cross Road Hobbsville, nc 27946-9586 Phone: (252) 465-9939
Name: Warwick Baptist Church Street: 4314 Virginia Road Hobbsville, nc 27946-9505 Phone: (252) 221-4375
Hobbsville Volunteer Fire Department is located at 365 Hobbsville RD Hobbsville, North Carolina 27946. (252) 297-2030 - Hobbsville Volunteer Fire Department details .
The median sales price for homes in ZIP code 27946 in Hobbsville from May 11 to . real estate market is your first step to buying a home in Hobbsville, North Carolina.
Homes.com Hobbsville, NC 27946 Real Estate: Search homes for sale and MLS listings in 27946 hobbsville north carolina Hobbsville, North Carolina. Local information: 2 foreclosure listings, 19 homes .
This 1560 square foot mobile / manufactured home has 3 bedrooms and 2.0 27946 hobbsville north carolina bathrooms. It is located at 35 Muddy Cross Rd Hobbsville, North Carolina.
. NC Real Estate: Search houses for sale and MLS listings in Hobbsville, North Carolina. . Hobbsville NC 27946
North carolina Real Estate Website. 50 bank street, hobbsville, 27946. Millions of Homes For Sale By Owner. Detailed House Information and Numerous of Pictures.
Hobbsville, NC . Bands of light to moderate snowfall blanketing inland North Carolina and Virginia will .
Foreclosed Home Information - 422 HOBBSVILLE RD HOBBSVILLE, NC 27946. Free foreclosure listings with no registration! No credit card, no fees! Wellcome to IndexPost .
gates county, north carolina . 27946: hobbsville : 27969: roduco : 27979
Tract 2 NC HWY 32. Hobbsville, NC 27946. Single Family Home. Last Update: Nov 15, 2011
27946 is a sparsely populated, rural zip
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